The Hutzot Hayotzer festival is a ten day cultural fair in Jerusalem, from August 15th until August 27th, and is arguably one of the biggest summer events in this city. Taking place by the Sultan’s Pool, opposite the Old City ramparts and the Tower of David, this 30+ year tradition is a combination of art, food, and music, from all over Israel and all over the world! Every night (except Friday), from 6 PM to 11 PM, groups of families and friends come out to enjoy stalls of over 150 of the best Israeli artists of all types, food and craft stands from all over the globe, children’s events, small shows of exotic singing and dancing, and big name Israeli music performances. The combination of the breathtaking view, mix of all cultures, and great, and family-friendly, atmosphere makes this one of my all-time favorite events of the year.
This summer will be the third year that I’ll be privileged to have an artist’s booth at the festival. It’s a critical time at the studio, preparing all of the merchandise for the big event, especially all of the new gifts and designs that I’ll be debuting there! Although it’s a bit busy and crazy here, I am so excited, because Hutzot Hayozer is such a spectacular experience! If you’re planning on being in Jerusalem during those 2 weeks in August, I urge you to come to the festival, it’s truly an amazing, and come and greet us, we’d really love to meet you!